Batzu Games

Independent Game Studio


  1. Word Blaster (Oculus Rift)

    Word Blaster is a new take on typing games for virtual reality. Shoot the letters to match the words and get the points. Multiple game modes to play, weapons to use and leaderboard scores to beat!

  1. Brickverse (Oculus GO)

    Brickverse is a VR adaptation of a game inspired by Breakout and Dx-Ball. Destroy all the bricks in the level by bouncing the ball and shooting them, and try to get the highest score! Available now on Oculus GO!

  1. Brickverse (Oculus Rift)

    Brickverse is a VR adaptation of a game inspired by Breakout and Dx-Ball. Destroy all the bricks in the level by bouncing the ball and shooting them, and try to get the highest score! Available now on Oculus Rift!

  1. Trap Attack (PC)

    A fast-paced arcade game where you need to survive as long as it takes. Avoid the traps by teleporting around the map that gets harder over time.

  1. Monsura (PC) *On Hold*

    An unannounced tower defence game.

  1. Galaxia (PC) *On Hold*

    A game inspired by games like Motherload. Drilling deep into the ground and collecting precious minerals across the galaxy. With the money you gain you can upgrade your vehicle, and delve even deeper into even more dangerous areas, maybe even hostile areas. Due to Unitys new "Policy" the project has been put on hold as we are making our own 2D engine.

  1. Lightswitch (PC) *On Hold*

    A frustrating platformer game, where you are sure to die hundreds if not thousands of times. Due to Unitys new "Policy" the project has been put on hold as we are making our own 2D engine.

  1. Terminus: Pandorra (VR) *On Hold*

    An unannounced puzzle game.

Unity Assets

  1. Bug Reporter (Complete Edition)

    Bug reporter is an easy to use asset that your players can use to sen bug reports from within the game to the platform of your choosing. Or, your developers can use the secondary version (included) from the editor with minimal hassle! Includes all the platforms.

  1. Bug Reporter (Discord Edition)

    Bug reporter is an easy to use asset that your players can use to sen bug reports from within the game to your discord channel. Or, your developers can use the secondary version (included) from the editor with minimal hassle!

  1. Bug Reporter (Email Edition)

    Bug reporter is an easy to use asset that your players can use to sen bug reports from within the game to your email.

  1. Bug Reporter (Git Edition)

    Bug reporter is an easy to use asset that the developer can use to send bug reports to your issues in the git repository.

  1. Bug Reporter (Slack Edition)

    Bug reporter is an easy to use asset that your players can use to send bug reports from within the game to your slack channel. Or, your developers can use the secondary version (included) from the editor with minimal hassle!

  1. Bug Reporter (Trello Edition)

    Bug reporter is an easy to use asset that your players can use to send bug reports from within the game to your trello channel. Or, your developers can use the secondary version (included) from the editor with minimal hassle!

  1. Simple Electricity

    Contains shocking material! The asset has a demo scene with multiple possible ways to use the electricity asset! Be it a thunderbolt or an electric wall, we got you covered!

  1. Batzu Game Kit *In Development*

    A large bundle of development tools, script templates, project templates. Sort of an eternity project. I'll be adding new stuff gradually. No set date for release as it will happen when I deem it to have enough features and stability for a release. Latest is Steam release features.

Latest News

We are currently making a demo for one of our projects to apply for the Unreal Mega Grant. It's been a while since we have worked against a clock. But due to being extremely busy lately it has not been the easiest to find time and energy to focus on the development. But we are more than ready take on this next challenge.


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